Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

My Opinion about English language and what the best methode to study English based on my own opinion...

Name   : Dilla Destrina.H

Npm    : 25209296

Class    : 3EB04

Business English 2 Assigment

What is your opinion about English language and what is the best methode to study English based on your own opinion ?

After seeing the sense of the English language and my journey from my childhood till now English is the international language that must be owned by everyone. The requirement is seen from the use of the English language that is used in every place. environment of schools, colleges, organizations, jobs and others. English is the main foreign language that I often encounter in life so I think everyone should have the ability to speak English.
I think the most difficult for English language I mastered and maybe for some people in Indonesia have the same opinion with me, because English is not language that is often used in everyday life. But because of the times and the era of globalization that requires me to learn english I tried to develop my skills in english language little by little. Sometimes I have the phrase “why my Indonesian people have to learn English?”. But the question is can I conclude because English is the language used by developed countries like the U.S. Then the language will serve as an international language for everyone.
A good method to learn English are used to speaking English, of course with people who understand a better English language is. With the conversation, then slowly we will be able to understand English much more. The key is to be bold and not ashamed to get wrong. Because we can learn from any mistakes and fix the mistakes and make it better.

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